Business Coach | Executive Coach | Transformation Specialist

Sarita Johan has more than 30 years experience and success in business. After spending her career climbing the corporate ladder, and juggling family and relationships she walked away from her high-profile career, invested in ongoing personal development, training as a NLP practitioner, and becoming certified in the highly insightful Advanced Insights profiling tool. decades of experience in business, management and operations. She is passionate about helping Business Owners and Senior Executives to step up and lead their teams towards greater success and fulfillment.

Sarita takes the guesswork out of running a small to medium size (SME) business by streamlining one of their most important assets; their people and the culture. Her greatest gift is with helping business owners by helping them to focus on defining a business model that works as a system so you can create predictable, consistent and measurable outcomes AND enjoy a balanced and fulfilling live.

Through her unique blend of Business and Mindset Coaching Sarita helps clients from all walks of life find their “on button”. From that state of “on” you can better identify the business blind spots and self-imposed blockers that have been holding you back – both in work and life. Sarita becomes like a strategic alliance with you, to help you build and enjoy a thriving business.


Sarita specialises in:

Executive Coaching – for senior management and business owners. You can gain any number of outcomes, such as:

  • Discovering your leadership style (DISC or Innermetrix Advanced Insights Profiling can be incorporated) so you can become the leader you want to be
  • Discovering your team’s style. This will help you in communicating with your team (Disc profiling as an added option)
  • Creating self-awareness to increase your effectiveness in your communication
  • Identifying useful (and not-so-useful) behaviours in your team (with disc profiling as an added option) and how you can unlearn and create new behaviours together
  • Strategies to deal with difficult employees before it escalates
  • Creating rapport that works for you and your team
  • Communicating your vision across your team and organisation to meet objectives
  • How to influence your team to achieve better outcomes
  • Creating work/life balance for less stress and more enjoyment
  • Creating a professional development strategy based on the profiling insights, career goals and current outcomes.

Business Coaching:

Sarita works with small and medium-sized businesses, business partnerships and has a specialisation in family-owned businesses. She tailors a program that can include any or all of the following:

  • Discovering your business leadership style (DISC or Innermetrix Advanced Insights Profiling can be incorporated) so you can become the successful business leader you want to be
  • Values alignment connecting the values of the business to the people to increase better outcomes and performance
  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the team to create a thriving environment based on personal growth and a solution focus
  • Business plan reviews and sales growth planning
  • Succession planning
  • Business operation reviews
  • Understanding the power of communicating effectively, creating a culture that is supportive and empowering
  • Above and Below: shifting people from a stagnant to a moving forward culture
  • Creating strategies to celebrate achievements: a happy environment will increase the productivity of overall team performance
  • Creating a team standard or best practice to achieve team outcomes
  • Building trust within your teams and with your client base
  • Increasing trust in teams due to transparency
  • Creating a culture which invites suggestion and feedback for improvement and continuous advancement
  • Self-care, allowing team time for self-care, teaching various tools to create an environment that is supportive of this

Increase your bottomline through your leadership style

  • Defining purpose, theory, and predictions to support and create the right focus and measures for the organisation
  • Developing your uniqueness as a business leader with clear direction
  • Reducing variation in business
  • Increasing in overall quality of performance
  • Using a methodology allowing us to create an agile, efficient, predictable, scalable, repeatable and consistent system that becomes your business
  • Creating more profit to benefit all

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