I am immensely grateful for Hermann; a friend, a mentor and a brilliant coach who can stick around in tough times.
When I first asked myself the question which way I was going, I was checking on the outside of what I wanted, not wanted and used my emotional state as the ‘right way’ or the ‘wrong way’. I easily got ‘stuck in my head’ and thanks to Herman could shine light on my beliefs and feel the presence in my body that knows.
I have a very stubborn mind and my reality was based on it – so there were times where I didn’t know how to drive the vehicle ‘called me’ and move forward as the voices in my head grew louder. Herman helped me to look inside and rather than intellectualise to let it go. He helped me to relax myself and be present with what is and notice my non-supportive patterns and my fears attached to beliefs which caused me to be in the state. Herman is not just a life coach but a friend who has a very compassionate heart and approach to his work and knows how to deal with the intensity of life when it gets tough.
I have enjoyed the time spent in person with Herman, the presence, the calming nature and of course a good cup of tea. Now living abroad in the UK using Skype there is no difference on the result that are produced. Thank you Herman for all your support.